share book recommendations via google keep

Recently I was sharing google keep ideas with some teacher friends, including sharing lists with students to help keep them on track (pun intended). Then I realized I hadn’t shared specific book recommendations via keep with students. I thought about how meaningful it could be for them if educators took the time to curate a special, individualized book recommendation with them! You could include links, but I just made a short list for a train fan as my first try. I edited my keep header slide to include my bitmoji so they would know that it was a book recommendation note from me right away. I would then add them as a collaborator so they could see and edit the list. You could even make a list of what you are reading in a specific genre and share that as needed… ideas are aplenty!

Click here to edit a slide as your own keep note header, see this blog post to guide you for adding headers to your keep notes.

a little keep upkeep

Copy of keep label slides here, make your own!

Screen Shot 2020-07-21 at 12.30.35 AMI often extoll the virtues of google keep for those who haven’t dedicated far too much time included keep in their daily or weekly routines. I use keep professionally and personally for to-do lists, collaborative notes, bookmarking important things on the go, grocery lists, and notes from my son. I’ve seen some great googley ideas about adding headers to keep notes to further organize and teacherfy the whole thing. They certainly have their appeal- but ultimately for me the power of keep is the labels and color categorization I have done for a few years. I did however delve into some labels today encouraged by two of my favorite things to waste time play with, Harry Potter and bitmojis.

I added headers to my pinned keep notes with a few Harry Potter faves. It was important to me to have a clear, easy to read font. I know many times we love an interesting, swirly cursive to change things up, but if I am in a hurry I want my images to be read easily.  If I choose to share a note with a student, as I was thinking about with some of my bimoji templates, I must have a simple print.  Here are some examples I might share with a student or colleague- unless they are a Potterhead, too. I’ll share one of my Mad-Eye Moody versions. To create a “header” just format the slides and save as an image. Upload to your keep as an image, and you can still add notes or a checklist at the bottom. Adding other images will shrink your header, so these are for text keep notes.
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