summer bullet journaling and planning

“Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” ― Dwight D. Eisenhower

Screen Shot 2020-07-09 at 3.54.14 PMYou know what is hard for me every summer? Planning and journaling and sticking to goals. It’s actually a little easier in the school months (though time is short) because I am on a schedule. In the summer somehow it’s 2:00 and I haven’t eaten lunch or made the bed.  The summer of 2020 is possibly the worst because I am planning…to stay home. But I do have some goals and tasks I need to accomplish for professional learning and some personal ones that my husband would really appreciate (the laundry room). To encourage myself I do what I always do in crisis, I read things. Especially quotes. And then I write them in my bullet journal. I downsized to a smaller bujo too, which doesn’t seem so overwhelming. I need a full size during school, but this size seems more reasonable when the day’s goals include washing the dog, watching a zoom, and vacuuming. Even a small effort can keep me moving toward my goals and the habit of WRITING- by HAND!

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“Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent return on energy!” ― Brian Tracy, author and motivational speaker

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” ― Pablo Picasso, painter

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” ― Abraham Lincoln, former U.S. President

More motivational quotes

backyard nature journal and educreations

img_7955This year more than ever I am looking with a nervous eye at the Summer Slide effect. To keep learning interesting we mix in lots of activities that can employ language skills, but aren’t worksheets (although I am totally on board with a worksheet now and then because I am a tired working parent). Lots of apps and sites like Educreations had generous free upgrades this year for teachers during the school shutdown, so we used those at home, too.

0944a1fc-4e32-474f-8a36-1074a27bba97Keeping things educational in quarantine wasn’t so bad when we used our own backyard and a homemade journal to record observations of animals and plants all around us. An example I made in my bullet journal is above, you can see my son’s journal as you view the slides below. When the boys found a critter to research we relied on Capstone, Epic and other kid friendly research sources to annotate our drawings with new learning. Then we tried out educreations to share our learning with friends. Click on the image to see/hear an example. Working on ideas for the next project now…the backyard animals want us to go away.

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